
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

петак, 26. фебруар 2016.

Nagradna Igra, Naj Žele Recept/ Contest, The best Jello recipe

Pre nekoliko nedelja objavila sam recept, rolovan žel i marshmellow. 

Mnogi su me posle toga pitalli gde mogu da nabave Žel.
 Malo sam se iznenadila da ovo nema  kod vas i odlućila sam da odredjenim  kulinarkama ,malo rasporedjeno po Srbiji, pošaljem po dva paketića da ga isprobaju. Ukuse želea same su izabrale.. Na žalost od 10 paketa, za sada je stiglo samo sedam  i nemam baš mnogo nade da će još koji stići- Tako da nastavljamo nagradnu igru. Tako što je svaka učesnica napravila nešto od svog izabranog želea.  
Najbolji recept oceniće gospodin  Thierry Louvrier, Francuski Chef .

Njegove kreacije možete pratiti na  Fejsbuk stranici le plaisir de la table

Svima želim uspeha!

Nagrada pobednici je:
Modlica ze žele i druge poslastice i 5 pakovanja Greggs instant želea sa ukusima koje sama izabere

I ovde slede učesnice

1.  Suzana  Mitić
Gumene bombone/ Gum candy ( orange / forest fruits)

2. Sladjana Sčekić

Žele srculenca / Jelly hearts ( limeta i tropsko voće)

3. Snežana Kitanović
Panakota - Panacotta ( raspberry, lime)

4. Tatjana Erić Stojanović

Srce u želeu / Heart in Jelly ( blueberry, tropical)

5. Dijana Popović

Žele Minjon kocke i Kugla Iznenadjenja / Mignon cubes and Surprise in a ball
( blueberry and tropical)

6. Julijana Lula Krstin (borovnica i malina
Pečena torta sa žele vrhom-Baked cake with Jello Topping


Contest the best Jello recipe

Some time ago I published my  post Jelly Roll ups ,with instant jelly and marshmallows.

 I got many questions after that where people can buy instant Jelly in Serbia and other neighbouring countries. I was somewhat surprised, it was not available and decided to send 10 packages to well known and popular food bloggers in different regions of Serbia.  Task was to create something from 2 packets of jelly they received and send me a recipe.
Unfortunately only 7 packages arrived, and 1 contestant did not make deadline for sending the recipe.

Other 6 did and those will be forwarded to Great French Chef.. Thierry Louvrier who you can follow on the page  le placier de la table

Will let you know who won and also post the winning recipe. It was lot of fun for me!

Above you can see all the beautiful creations.
Good luck to all! And thank you Greggs for the best Jelly in the world!

Evo šta su naše kulinarke napisale o Greggs želeu

Sladjana Šćekić :

Žele je po meni fantastičan jer je veoma lak za pravljenje a što je najvažnije predivnog je ukusa , predivnih je boja i dovoljno sladak da nema potrebe za dodavanjem šećera.....rado bih da ga vidim i ovde kod nas....Sa velikim zadovoljstvom sam radila sa njim ...

In my opinion fantastic because it is very easy to make and most importantly it tastes wonderful, beautiful color and sweet enough that there is no need to add sugar ..... I'd like to see it here with us .... Sa great pleasure to have worked with it...

Dijana Popovic :

Moje mišljenje oduševljena sam lako i jednostavno za rad ,savršenog ukusa boje su fantastične ,kombinacijom dva različita ukusa dobija se neki treći ukus a dobija se i treća boja sad ovako mišljenje moga sina , oduševljen i podseća ga na žele bonbonea ,muž moj nevoli žele ali je probao i iznenadjenje u činijici i žele kocke dopada mu se ,nosila sam i mami mojoj koja živi 20 km od mene oduševljena prvo izgledom ,bojom želea pa tek onda ukusom ja sam trazila kod nas u prodavnicama zdrave hrane ali nema prvi put i čuju za tako nešto pa sad sutradan ponele prazne kutije želea jer sam imala osećaj da mi neveruju o čemu pričam šta tražim i da ja bih rado kupovala ako bi bilo kad nas da se kupi ,i baš imam želju da probamo sve ukusu koji postoje nadam se da će ih biti kod nas .

My opinion : I am thrilled, its simple to use, perfect taste, colors are stunning, the combination of two different flavors obtained a third flavor. My son, enthusiastic and reminds him of candies, my husband does not like jelly ,tried tsurprise bowl and jelly cubes and liked, it,I took it to my mom who lives 20 km from me . She was enchnced with he colors, but also with taste, I asked here in the health food stores but there is none, They heard it for the first time. The next day I brought them empty boxes of jelly because I had the feeling thatt hey dont believe, nor trust what I'm saying. I'd like to buy if it was available here., Just have to try all the tastes that exist I hope that twill be available for us here

Tatjana Erić Stojanović :

Meni se zele svidja i ja bih ga kupovala da ne moram ovako kao sto inace radim,vocni sok pomesam sa zelatinom kad mi je to potrebno za kolac a ovako bih odmah mogla da koristim ukus voca koji zelim.Sad ovo sto sam pravila meni je imalo ukus na gumene bombone one vocne.

I liked the jelly and would buy it as I normally make my own with fruit juice and plain gelatine. I found that what I made had taste of fruit gum candy

Snežana Kitanović :
Boje us efektivne i dopadaju mi se limeta je super, malina mi se manje dopada.Nisam probala druge ukuse, videla sam na njihovom sajtu da imaju limunadu, koju ja inače jako volim i verovatno bih je koristila, kao i tropsko voće i jagodu.

Colors were effective and I like the lime is great, raspberry I like less . I did nottce other flavors, I saw on their website that they have lemonade which I normally love very much and I probably would have used it, as well as tropical fruit and strawberry.  

                                                      Suzana Mitić

Žele je divan,bonbone su me oduševile,jedva uspela da slikam,deca oduševljena. Kod nas i nema takav žele sa takvim bojama i ukusima. Kao kad jedeđšsveže cedjeno voće

Jelly is great, I was impressed. Kids could not stay away from it.They loved it! We can not buy it here with such colours and taste. I taste like if you would be eating fruit candies.

                                                   Julijana Lula Krstin :

Zele je super,lako se pravi ,predivnog je ukusa i mirisa.Meni se dopala varijanta kao preliv za kolace ili torte ...mada se naravno moze koristiti na jos dosta nacina.Nekako je prirodnog ukusa ...ocekivala sam neku tesku hemiju .

Jelly is excelent. easy to make, very good taste and aroma. I like to use it in my cakes and cookies as topping. Of course it can be used in many other ways. I kind of expected heavy chemical taste but it tastes so natural

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